Return To The Andes


After living in New York City for 20 years, Nelida Silva (from Soy Andina) returns again to her Peru birthplace — this time with a dream of helping rural women start businesses. That’s a daunting challenge in the Andes, where many women are marginalized.  But few things deter Nelida, and she succeeds in organizing cooperatives around skills like weaving and quinoa.   Then the unexpected happens — she’s invited to run for mayor by a new political party. Fed up with the region’s decline and corruption, she accepts the challenge. Can she become the first woman to win, running on a platform of sustainable development and anti-corruption?

                Big announcement from our friends Charlie Uruchima and Sandy Enriquez, co-curators of the seminal 2019 May Sumak Quechua Film showcase, a 3-day celebration of indigenous and community cinema in New York and Ecuador.

The complete festival lineup is now up on their website — and Return to the Andes is the feature film Friday night (7:40 pm) in Manhattan, at the King Juan Carlos Center. More info here.

Following the screening, they’ll be a short Q & A with yours truly, followed by a rare live presentation by Andean Scissor DancerSteve Cotaquispe, originally from Ayacucho, Peru. I’ve known Steve for years through the legendary Abya Yala Arte y Cultura. He is the Real Deal.

The Scissors Dance is a stunning display of spiritual and physical power, dating back centuries. More about it in this Nat Geo article. Or click through the GIF below to watch a 3 minute videoof Steve at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival.

Kids, don’t try this at home. But do come watch it Friday night.

Friday, June 14, 7:40 pm
King Juan Carlos Center at NYU (53 Washington Place South